Dota 6.83c was introduced in the Dota 2 New Bloom 2015 update.

- Enabled Phantom Lancer in Captain's Mode
- Juggernaut's agility growth reduced from 2.85 to 2.4
- Juggernaut's Healing Ward manacost rescaled from 80/100/120/140 to 120/125/130/135
- Juggernaut's Bladefury manacost rescaled from 110 to 120/110/100/90
- Axe's Berserker's Call no longer affects invulnerable units (like Cycloned units)
- Axe's Berserker's Call no longer keeps the targets disabled if Axe dies while the targets still have the debuff
- Axe's Culling Blade kill threshold reduced from 250/350/450 to 250/325/400 (Scepter from 300/450/625 to 300/425/550)
- Vengeful Spirit's Wave of Terror duration reduced from 20 to 15 seconds
- Lion's Hex unit movement speed reduced from 100 to 140 (same as Scythe of Vyse)
- Dire Ancients spawn box restriction area is now a bit smaller
- Various Pathing Improvements
- Fixed being unable to play bot games when you are offline
- Buyback readiness UI now takes into account how much gold you will lose when dying
- Pausing is no longer allowed in Unranked All Pick if your team is connected and hasn't picked their heroes
- Pausing In matchmaking games now has a countdown timer before initiating a pause
- Fixed various projectile particle effects being visible in Fog of War
- Moved the kill text lower so it does not get blocked by the "Killed By" screen
- Fixed the courier sometimes failing to deliver items if the deliver key was pressed soon after an item was purchased
- Networth Graph now updates automatically after hero kills instead of with a delay
- Alt clicking now works on enemy buffs
- Replays now start recording only after players have finished loading
- Left clicking actions on the minimap no longer ignores input for the first 0.2 seconds
- Added a new command to help debugging/analysis (dota_show_spectated_unit_orders) by showing player inputs when watching a replay or spectating.
- Fixed the Hill Troll Priest in the small camp sometimes not moving when the rest of the camp was pulled by taking damage
- Fixed an issue with neutral creeps and Roshan becoming idle when silenced.
- Fixed Lone Druid's Bear's Necronomicon Warriors not giving kill credit to Lone Druid
- Added all sound directories to the whitelist for -enable_addons
- Several ability description adjustments and fixes
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