Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sun Wukong in DotA 6.79

Warcraft 3 DotA 6.79 Sun Wukong Sneak Peek

DotA maps ending with 9 have traditionally introduced bosses in DotA.
- DotA 6.69 had the Phoenix quest.
- DotA 6.59 had the Tauren Chieftain mission. (Elder Titan)
- DotA 6.49 had Invoker as the secret boss.

The Warcraft Dota 6.79 map has 8 Sun Wukong creeps found on the lower right part of the map.

Click to zoom in!

Who is Sun Wukong?
Wukong (Monkey King) is a character from Chinese mythology.

Sun Wukong in DotA:
- The 8 Sun Wukongs in the map all use the Warcraft 3 Sasquatch model.
- The character code assigned for the unit is n0N6.

Dota 6.79 Patch Notes
(DotA 6.79 was first introduced in Dota 2.)

Fun facts:
Wukong is a character in Dota based games like Heroes of Newerth, League of Legends and Smite.


  1. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give DIRETIDE

  2. Sun Wukong is a deity from the Chinese mythology. The fact that he is in all other games except dota doesn't mean that dota copied those games.

    1. i agree! let me give you a bro hug :D

    2. It's a monkey-demon from the Chinese classic "The Journey to the West." He was trapped under a giant boulder for several hundreds of years for stealing a nectarine from the heavens (grants immortality) until a Buddhist monk came and saved him from his imprisonment. So he's more of a demon than a deity.

  3. give link for this map

  4. just download the beta

  5. Sun wukong é o macaco que Akira Toriyama usou de base para criar o famoso Goku de dragon ball XD


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