SGTY, the Chinese video game developer who recently announced their entry to the Dota genre with Tianyijue has signed up with Aeria Games to publish the Chinese Dota game in North America. Tianyijue will be released in America as Tian Online.

Aeria Games - promoting Asian games.
Tian Online will be facing harsh competition from established American game companies who are involved in the Dota genre scene like S2 Games (Heroes of Newerth) and Valve Corporation (Dota 2).
What prompted the development of a Chinese DotA game?
In the opinion of the developers, IceFrog has made DotA into a boring gold farming game since DotA 6.51. The outdated Warcraft III engine and the rampant use of Warcraft cheat programs urged the development team to produce the game, Tian Online.
About Aeria Games
Aeria Games is a California based online games publisher geared towards Asian developed MMORPGs.
Aeria uses the free to play model and generates revenue via microtransactions.
Tian Online will be their first game in the emerging Dota genre.
Watch the Tian Online Video Game Trailer (Youtube).
You might wanna look at the Tian Online Screenshots.
You can also read the Tian Online Announcement here at Neutral Creeps.
Read all about the history of DotA and the emergence of the Dota genre.
yes! I want some CHINESE DOTA!!! I'm learning Chinese by the way.
ReplyDeleteSo apparently, it's now
Dota 2 > Blizzard Dota > Heroes of Newerth > Tian Online > Dota > Hello Kitty Online > League of Legends
EA, come on. What are you guys waiting for?!? We want EA DOTA!
Don't be silly: DotA's still better than anything else.
ReplyDeleteThe more competition, the better.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to the Chinese!
I'm pretty sure that this won't be the last Dota genre game to come from Asia.
League of Legends will still be the best, most balanced, and containing the most welcoming, cool, and friendly player base then any of these other games until they prove themselves.
ReplyDeleteSo let's just wait and see.
ReplyDeleteSpot on on LoL though.
Seriously, no veteran in the Dota community thinks League of Legends is at par with DotA. If you think that way, you're either brainwashed by Riot Games, part of the League of Legends marketing team or was never a Dota player in the 1st place.
ReplyDeleteMost balanced? Right. LoL is a Pay To Pawn game.
Wanna get access to all heroes? Wait... you have to pay for it.
You can spend more on LoL than on Warcraft 3 Dota, Dota 2, Starcraft 2 and Heroes of Newerth combined.
If you want to support a truly good Dota based game, invest on either DotA 2 or HoN.
that's not 100% can play LoL and get IP(Influence Point) to unlock the champs and runes, which is not available in DotA or HoN.and LoL is more stable than DotA..dont fcking judge if you dont play 'em.i play all DotA, HoN and LoL..and i think i like LoL..that's my choice.respect other's choice, dont fcking talk bs if you dont like any of those games.
ReplyDeletebet you haven't gotten enough IP point to unlock all the champs, chump. You have no problems with hero access in HoN or Dota, heck even Demigod. lolol.
ReplyDeleteLoL is simply an inferior game and I'm pretty sure you agree with me.
Don't talk bs if you don't even play HoN or Dota.
Just my 3 cents.
Seriously... this is just sad. People need to come up with original ideas. Or at least when the promote a ripoff game don't insult the original guy (if you think DotA would have been this popular with eul or guinsoo at the helm you would be very mistaken).