Saturday, October 16, 2010

Icefrog is looking for DotA Phoenix Mission Replays

Did you beat the Dota 6.69 Phoenix Quest without using cheats?
If you were able to defeat Icarus (Phoenix) without cheating, Icefrog wants your replay!

DotA Icarus the Phoenix Wallpaper
Click on the image to zoom in.
Credits to:

Please visit Archangelx2's DeviantArt page to download the large wallpaper version.
Note: This is not the actual hero skill set of the new hero for DotA 6.70.

Archangelx2's DotA Hero Suggestion: Phoenix
DotA Phoenix Hero Skills:
Flame strike
Resistant aura (Passive)
Reborn (Ultimate. Passive)

From Icefrog (developer of DotA and DotA 2)
Send me your replay if you did, the beta testers and I are curious.
If you want to send your replay, send a link to the Icefrog email address:

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