The final score was 2-1.

Games played on the tournament was 8 with 7 wins and a loss in a final games against Denmark's Ravens
Team Players:
OS|oNe.YMT (xelfer)

Most picked heroes were Zombie, Abaddon, SF, Enigma
Team location: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Little notes: Kazakhstan's Os|One played mostly LAN games before the DTS tournament. After huge qualifiers from all the Kazakhstan cities which had been hold by Omega-Sector, Kazakh team was sponsored by this company to travel to Ukraine where DTS-Cup ran. By winning the local Kazakhstani qualifiers they have shown they are best from 180 teams registered to OSPL Spring 2009.
Local Kazakhstani support for the teams: Omega-Sector Company puts special system for skilled teams providing them residential rights in its gaming centers which allows free training and playing. 3 teams have been signed as Residents after the last OSPL.
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